1 day before

How to find a delicious watermelon

1. Bottom of the melon

Don't be tempted to choose a melon with a green or white bottom, but choose one with many brown spots and yellow spots. The more contact with the ground, the more brown spots there will be, this is a sign that the melon is ripe and sweet.

2. Size of the melon

It's not true that choosing a large melon is delicious, and a small melon is bad. When buying a watermelon, you should choose a medium-sized one with a round shape. Because this is a female melon, it will have fewer seeds, while the elongated watermelon is usually a male melon, with more seeds.

3. Melon stem

The melon stem helps us determine the ripeness of the fruit. If it is still green, it means the melon was picked too early and is not ripe enough, so it will taste very bland. If the stem is dry, small and curled, it means the melon has fallen off, and is very sweet and juicy. However, not all old melons have this sign because there are still fruits that have just fallen off due to the death of the vine, so the fruit stem is dry and withered, but in fact they are still young, so they are very bland to eat. Therefore, you should pay attention to this point in combination with the points mentioned above to choose a delicious sweet melon.

4. Bee sting marks on the melon

Bee sting marks show that the bee has come into contact with the pollinating part of the flower many times, so this feature appears on the melon, proving that the fruit is very sweet and juicy, don't worry about it being dry.


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