1 day before

Many people may not know what fruit this is.

Passionflower belongs to the family of mistletoe with the name Passiflora foetida L. In Vietnam, passionflower is also known by other names such as vine bunch, vine longan. However, many people still know passionflower by this familiar name.

Passionflower has a soft stem and belongs to the climbing family, the stem has joints, and the stem has many hairs but is quite sparse. Passionflower leaves are dark green and are divided into three lobes including a large tail, then gradually tapering and pointed at the tip. Passionflower flowers grow in the gaps between the leaves and are white with a light purple color near the pistil, around the flower there are many hairs. Passionflower fruit is round and green and when ripe it turns yellow. The skin of the fruit is very thin and inside the fruit there are many small seeds and fruit juice.

Passionflower grows and develops strongly in favorable weather conditions. And you can find passionflower on any stream bank, river bank or bush or even in the home garden...


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