Tips 06/03/2025 10:42

Rice Water for Skin | DIY Toner Benefits to Remove Dark Spots & Shrink Large Pores




Rice, the product of Oryza sativa grass species is a widely consumed staple food of Asia. It is an integral part of Asia’s haircare and skincare routines. Korean, Indian and Japanese women have been using rice water for centuries now. Thanks to the modern-day, they were able to share their secret with the rest of the world. Rice water has been accepted widely as a hair growth remedy, but very few people know about the benefits of rice water for skin. Washing your face with rice water can be a solution to many of your skin woes. Today, I am going to discuss how to prepare rice water and its benefits for the skin. 


DIY Rice Water Toner for Skin

Rice Water for Skin

You will need:

  • Rice (any variety)- 100 g 
  • Water- 3 cups 
  • Spray bottle

How to make Rice Water toner:

1. Soaking Method 

  • Take 100g of rice, wash it gently to clean the rice and remove all the impurities. 
  • Pour 3 cups of water into a bowl and add the rice to it. 
  • Soak the rice for about 30-45 minutes. 
  • Gently stir the soaked rice and strain the rice water. 
  • Pour the rice water into the spray bottle and put it into the refrigerator.

2. Fermentation Method

  • Take a cup of rice and wash it thoroughly to clean it. 
  • Put the rice in a bowl and add 3 cups of water to it. 
  • Cover the bowl with a thin cotton cloth and let the rice soak for two days. 
  • After two days, gently stir the rice and strain the rice water. 
  • Pour the rice water in a glass bottle and refrigerate it. 

3. Boiling Method

  • Take 100g of rice and wash it. 
  • Boil 3 cups of water and add 100g of rice to it. 
  • Let it simmer for 5-8 minutes and then turn off the flames. 
  • Strain the starchy rice water and let it cool down for an hour. 
  • Pour the rice water in a bottle and store it in the refrigerator. 
  • You can use the refrigerated rice water for a week prepared through any of the methods.
Rice Water Toner for Skin

How to use Rice Water toner:

  • Spray the rice water on your face. 
  • Let it sit for 15-20 minutes. 
  • Wash your face with water and let it air dry. 
  • If you do not have a spray bottle, you can use a cotton ball to apply the rice water on your face. 
  • Advice: You can use the rice water directly to wash your face or hair. You can also use it as a part of your DIY face masks or hair masks. 

Benefits of Rice Water for Skin

  • Anti-aging solution: Rice water has many antioxidants that can curb the activity of elastase and curb the wrinkles that come with age. It promotes collagen production to keep the skin more supple and young. 
  • Skin softening solution: Many causes like dry weather, exposure to chemical, unbalanced pH can result in dry skin. Rice water has many phenolic compounds that can keep our skin soft and supple. Using rice water twice can be used to repair dry skin. 
  • Acne solution: Acnecan be a reason for many skin irritation problems. Rice water has natural astringent properties. It can help in removing the impurities from your face and keep the acne at bay. 
  • Sunburn solution: Sunburns can be very itchy at times. Rice water application on areas of sunburn can soothe your skin. It is very beneficial in treating redness and inflammation caused due to mild sunburns. 
  • Skin brightening solution: Rice water when applied to dark spots and pigmentation can do wonders. It has bleaching properties, due to which it is widely used in many soaps and face wash creams. It can lighten the skin and give it a nice glow. 
  • Shrink large pores solution: Large pores can cause acne and breakouts. Rice water has many astringent properties which can create a barrier on your skin. It helps in shrinking the pores and keeps the skin tight. 

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