Thyroid Gland: How to Balance Its Hormones
The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in our overall health. With millions affected by thyroid disorders worldwide, including millions in the US, it’s vital to understand its importance in weight regulation and prevent potential harm. Discover ways to enhance thyroid function and safeguard its well-being in this informative read.
How does the thyroid gland function?

The thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and organ functions, impacting heart rate, cholesterol, energy, muscle, weight, skin, hair, memory, mood, and more. Hypothyroidism slows down the body’s systems, causing fatigue, weight gain, sluggish digestion, dry skin, slower thinking, and hair loss.
Signs of hypothyroidism

An underactive thyroid can manifest various symptoms, and some individuals may not exhibit any signs at all. However, if you encounter two or more of the listed symptoms, it is crucial to promptly consult your doctor for appropriate medical attention.
1. Feeling cold
If you reside in a frigid climate, this symptom may not be indicative. Yet, if you persistently feel cold in warm weather or struggle to adapt to cold temperatures, it could suggest a thyroid disorder.
2. Dry skin, brittle hair, and split ends
Are you experiencing dry skin in multiple areas and thin, split-ended hair? It could indicate a thyroid disorder. If hair loss occurs, consulting a doctor is recommended.
3. Unexplained fatigue
Fatigue is a common occurrence in our lives. However, if you experience unexplained energy loss during your typically active times, it might be hypothyroidism. Stay vigilant, monitor the pattern, and seek medical advice if it persists.
4. Poor memory
Unexplained fatigue is closely linked to this symptom, affecting our brain functionality. The strain of staying awake while struggling to recall things leads to poor memory, often associated with thyroid disorders.
What is causing it to slow down?
To enhance thyroid function, it’s crucial to identify the underlying factors that contribute to its sluggishness. Hypothyroidism is a multifaceted condition with various potential causes.
There are several potential causes of thyroid disorders. Autoimmune responses can hinder thyroid hormone production, while toxic levels of substances like mercury can also impact thyroid function. Stress can interfere with hormone conversion, and a diet high in soy-based foods may hinder thyroid function. Being mindful of these factors can help maintain a healthy thyroid gland.
Power your thyroid gland
If you’ve experienced symptoms, it’s time to act. Start by eliminating thyroid disruptors for 14 days, including flaxseed oil, peanuts, high mercury fish, corn, alcohol, and caffeine. Then replace them with anti-inflammatory foods like veggies, fruits, nuts, non-mercury fish, eggs, and sweeteners. While calorie-conscious, a weekly “cheat meal” is vital for an under-active thyroid, preventing starvation, maintaining hormone levels, and boosting metabolism.
Have you ever suffered from thyroid gland issues? Tell us about your experience!
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