Psychological test
In addition to the 8 horses in the picture, there are 3 human faces hiding. Can you find them?
A: 1-2 faces
B: 3 faces
A: You have seen 1 or 2 faces. Your overall observation skills need improvement. You work hard, but in some aspects, you feel a bit tired. Although you have a free spirit, you also enjoy the better things in life. However, your true self, whether in work or family, requires you to give your best. You worry too much and therefore don't rest or enjoy life fully.
B: You have seen 3 faces. You have sharp analytical skills and a deep perspective. You always see things clearly. At the same time, you are accepting of both the good and bad aspects of life. Perhaps because you see things so clearly, you can't relax and sometimes lose control. But you know, face everything with a smart mind and a straightforward character. Despite everything you've gone through, the persistence in your bones will eventually lead to a prosperous and wealthy life!