1 day before

This is a sensitive and agile creature, the special thing about their eyes is that we may not know....

Flies have compound eyes made up of thousands of visual sensors, each of which acts as an eye, giving the insect an incredibly wide field of vision. Flies have a very special eye structure, allowing them to change their viewing angle quickly and observe multiple directions at the same time. Scientists call this compound eye structure - one of the outstanding features of insects.

With compound eyes, flies cling to light rays, in natural conditions it is sunlight - parallel light rays, to fly at very high speeds as well as turn around without losing direction. Flies have the fastest visual response in the animal world, and are up to 5 times faster when tracking movement than humans.

While human eyes are attached to muscles to be able to move, fly eyes cannot move. However, because of the circular eye structure, flies can see the world through 360 degrees.

They have compound eyes consisting of thousands of lenses that are very sensitive to movement. Some species of flies can see 3D images clearly. Recently, a group of researchers from Switzerland is researching and manufacturing artificial fly eyes that can operate with high sensitivity and sensitivity like the eyes of small insects. It can be applied to equip unmanned aircraft.

Researchers even expect that these artificial fly eyes will be used to produce devices to assist the visually impaired and will be an important part in the production of driverless cars.


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