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Publish: 02/07/2024 14:21:44

Couple with 32-year age gap together for nearly 2 decades

This is what true love looks likeNilo and Bonie love story The love story of Nilo and Bonie was not a walk in the park. Their May-December romance faced much opposition, but they proved that love knows no age. The couple has now been married for 17 years. PHOTO/S: BONIFACIA ESTRERA ON FACEBOOK   

Love knows no age.

That's what the couple Bonie and Nilo proved that their age gap is 32 years—Bonie is 73 years old and Nilo is 41 years old.

They became lovers in 2007, and married in 2018.

Seventeen years of their love that has gone through many trials.

In Cristine Babao's vlog uploaded on March 1, 2024, the couple narrated their unique love story.

Nilo was only a child when he first met Bonie.

At that time, Nilo was only 10 years old and Bonie was 42 years old.

It seems that the teenager fell in love with Bonie at first sight.

Nilo's story, he first saw Bonie when he went to their province and lived in a house near them.

They soon became neighbors.

Bonie's children are almost the same age as Nilo, and he befriended them so that they could always see their mother.

As for Bonie, who was married and had children at the time, she didn't really think that Nilo was her soulmate and destiny.

According to her, her relationship with Juanito, her first husband, was good. They had nine children.

Nilo became a witness to Bonie's married life, whom he admired for being loving towards his family.

Nilo said, "That was the first thing I admired about him, I told myself that if I had a wife, I would want to be like him."

But since Nilo is still young, he doesn't know that his admiration for his friends' mother will turn out to be love.

He was also attracted to other girls, and had a childhood crush.

When he was in school, there were many girls his age around him, but they were all just friends.

He said, "All I know is, my heart seemed to be padlocked to him at that time."

At that time, he felt the gradual deepening of his love for Bonie.

His description, "He's like a plant that gradually grows until it blooms."

When he became a teenager, Nilo was still able to play basketball with Bonie's children, but because of his shame, he did not mention his feelings for their mother.

Nilo's close friends advised him to look at other women because Bonie has a family.

But Nilo is really serious, showing his favoritism to Bonie in different ways.

He explained, "When my friends and I go to the mountains, I give him fruits, like guavas, mangoes, tamarinds, papayas, things like that."

He also said that he helps if Bonie's children are crying or crying.

He added, "I just bring myself closer to him, but I don't express my feelings because it's ugly because he's married, and I don't want his family to be destroyed because of me."

Bonie didn't really think that the things Nilo was showing her had any meaning—she thought the young man was just being nice.

Nilo and Bonie sweet photo Looking through the eyes of love. The love story of Nilo and Bonie. PHOTO/S: BONIFACIA ESTRERA ON FACEBOOK BONIE FINDS REFUGE IN NILO

When Bonie's husband died of a heart attack in 2005, Nilo was the only man who was always there for Bonie.

Nilo said, "When you love someone and you see them sad, of course you have to empathize with them."

That's why, whenever he sees Bonie sad, he goes to her, talks to her, comforts her, and makes her laugh in order to somehow alleviate her sadness.

In short, Nilo became Bonie's "shoulder to cry on".

When Nilo was 24 years old, he decided to court Bonie, who was 56 years old at the time.

Nilo's courtship lasted for three years because at first Bonie ignored him.

He said he used to always tell Nilo that he would date someone else, but the young man continued to tease him.

Bonie repeatedly pushed Nilo away so the young man decided to leave first.

However, it is said that Nilo really did not find the love he was looking for in another woman.

When Nilo returned, Bonie realized that she also loved the young man.

That day in 2007, Nilo got Bonie's sweet "yes".

At the beginning of their marriage, the couple admitted that it was not easy for their families to accept their love.

Nilo's family, against because he is still young, they insist that he find someone the same age as him.

But he was right, "I told them, if I could only teach my heart and I could only choose someone to love, I would have done that. That's why I really can't do it."

Bonie's side disagrees because Nilo is still young and he is of age.

They were worried about what people would say and that Nilo might just hurt her feelings.But when their marriage lasted for three to five years, Bonie's children and Nilo's parents saw that they loved each other. The relationship between the two has also been accepted as family.

But the couple still couldn't avoid the judgment of other people. It is said that many people tempt them to become grandmothers or mothers, but they are not hurt.

Bonie's defense, "As long as we love each other."

Nilo also denied the accusation against him that he was only looking for a mother figure in Bonie.

It is said that his mother is still alive and he is even the youngest and mama's boy among their siblings, so he is not looking for a mother's love in others.

He said, his love for his mother is different and his love for Bonie is also different. He really feels romantic and real love for his spouse.

No one who tries to separate them succeeds because they know each other better.

LahatNilo and Bonie wedidng din ng mga bagay na pag-aawayan ay iniiwasan nila kaya hindi sila dumarating sa punto ng paghihiwalay.

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