Categories: Relax
Publish: 11/09/2024 09:43:31

Now I know, all this time I’ve been doing it wrong

Many people pass around a method that is believed to help prevent windows from shattering. That is to open the windows slightly. The reason behind this is that opening the windows creates ventilation in the house, reducing air pressure inside and lowering the risk of broken glass.

Expert advice

According to experts, in reality, the method of leaving doors and windows slightly open during strong winds DOES NOT WORK. In fact, it can even pose a greater risk of severe damage to property and people inside. Therefore, when extreme weather conditions such as storms or strong winds occur, the best way to protect your living space is to tightly close all doors and windows.

What to do with doors during storms with strong winds?

Here are some tips people can follow to manage doors and minimize damage during stormy, windy days:

1.   Use plywood/tarpaulin to shield the doors

Plywood and hard plastic tarps can be used as an additional "protective barrier" for windows, especially in high-rise buildings. Homeowners can attach plywood panels, sized to fit the windows, outside the window frame using strong screws. Remember to secure them into the wall surrounding the window, not directly into the window frame.

For hard plastic tarps, they should. be securely fastened and attached to the balcony outside the windows. These methods can help. block some of the wind from hitting the house’s windows directly.

2.   Use fixed braces to secure the windows

In addition to plywood or tarps, families can use braces to secure the doors. These braces need to be tightly fastened to the window frame and the surrounding walls to ensure stability.

3.   Place sandbags or heavy objects to block the wind

If your home has large doors, place. sandbags, large water bags, or brick bags in front of the doors to block the wind. This method helps reduce the direct impact of wind hitting the glass doors.


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