Categories: Relax
Publish: 18/09/2024 09:56:49

6 signs that your crush is keeping an eye on you

1. The eyes speak

Naturally, we cannot hide our feelings forever when standing in front of the object. When knowing that a girl is interested in you, men will have two clear reactions. Either he will quickly respond to your sincere feelings or you will receive a subtle rejection from them. Therefore, if one day you feel his gaze directed at you more, longer with a radiant smile, it proves that you have succeeded in the first step of conquering him.

2. Take the initiative to contact

In most cases, men are always assumed to be the proactive ones in love, so after giving you a meaningful look, he will quickly take the next step. This is the time when you don't need to spend any energy on "flirting" with him. At the moment you least expect it, he will take the initiative to text you with a response speed faster than the speed of light. What you need to do right now is to comfortably chat with him to officially erase the distance between the two of you.

3. Be active and like to tease you

To like someone, we will need a certain amount of time to know and understand a little about them. Is your relationship with him close enough that you can chat and tease each other every day? This sign is somewhat uncertain in the case where you and the other person have known each other for a long time. However, if you and your boyfriend are just "acquaintances" but he suddenly becomes friendlier to you than usual, always intentionally approaching and teasing you, you can be confident that you have a chance to open his heart.

4. Create situations to be with you

Not exactly a date, but he will always find a way for the two of you to be together as long as possible. Typically, if you and the other person work in the same company, they will intentionally nominate themselves for group tasks with you. If you both know each other through close friends, he will constantly suggest everyone about the next date so that he can have the opportunity to meet you again. The reason for this action comes from the fact that he wants you to pay more attention to him, and this is also a way for him to learn about you before making a final decision about this relationship.

5. Likes to confide in you

Unlike us women, men are often not used to confiding or pouring out their feelings to others. However, there are exceptions to everything and they tend to open up to someone they trust and feel close to. If your crush confides in you, this sign means that you have created sympathy in his heart. No longer at the level of flirting, he truly trusts you and wants you to understand him better. This is also considered an act of maturity and he intends to accompany you for a long time.

6. Unexpected touches

Usually, these unexpected touches will be the final sign of recognition before he officially proposes to you. The "boldness" in the action implies that he wants you to belong to him. Besides, this is also a step for him to verify whether you are ready to enter a new relationship or not. Therefore, if the other person suddenly “accidentally” holds your hand or lightly touches your shoulder, don’t be too quick to assume that he is being rude! On the contrary, a light squeeze of the hand will be a wonderful response that you can give him.

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