14 hours before

What is that

Answer: This is a Trench Lighter.

1. What Is a Trench Lighter:

A trench lighter, often referred to as a "pocket lighter" or "pipe lighter," was a small, portable device designed to create a flame, despite the adverse weather conditions found in the trenches. Made primarily of brass or steel, these lighters were built to endure the damp, muddy, and windy environments of World War I. The trench lighter's key feature was its hinged lid, which protected the flame from being extinguished by wind or rain-a crucial benefit for soldiers trying to light their cigarettes or start small fires in challenging conditions.

2. How Soldiers Used Trench Lighters:

During World War I, smoking was a common pastime for soldiers, offering a brief moment of calm amid the chaos of war. However, traditional matches and lighters often failed in the trenches, where wet and windy conditions made it nearly impossible to keep a flame alive. This necessity led to the creation of the trench lighter, a device that could withstand the harshest elements. The lighter was easy to use and highly effective. Its design allowed soldiers to ignite it with one hand, leaving the other hand free for tasks such as holding a rifle or digging a trench. The flint-and-wheel mechanism inside the lighter produced a spark, which ignited the fuel in the reservoir. The hinged cover helped preserve the lighter's fuel supply, ensuring that it would last longer, even in less-than-ideal conditions.


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