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Why is that


Explaining this phenomenon, the country's astronomy experts said that this is an optical phenomenon in the atmosphere called "Parhelion" (fake sun).

The reason for its formation is related to the abundance of cold air masses and water vapor in the atmosphere. Water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into small ice crystals, which refract when sunlight hits them, forming a "shadow" of the sun. This leads to the creation of so many "cloned" suns.

Parhelion often appears under certain unique environmental conditions and for a short time. For example, when there are cirrus clouds and the angle between the sun, ice crystals and the observer must be suitable. At the same time, this phenomenon can appear in areas with ice and snow. Especially when the clouds near the sun are relatively thick. These clouds are called cirrus clouds, which are shaped like silk and cotton, containing ice crystals that act as small prisms.

These ice crystals refract the sun's rays. This means that they deflect some of the sun's rays to another place, forming a perihelion. This creates the appearance of a second or third sun, or more, standing behind the cloud, but it is less bright than the real sun.

This phenomenon is not uncommon, but requires specific conditions and viewing angles to be seen. Usually, the Parhelion phenomenon occurs in the early morning or at sunset when the sun is below the horizon.


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