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How would city people know what this fruit is!!

Fresh guava fruit and leaves are not only a daily drink but also a very good medicine for health. The effects of guava tree are not only based on folk experience but also proven by scientific research. So, what are the effects of fresh guava fruit and leaves? Let's find out more in the article below.

1. What are the effects of fresh guava leaves?
The guava tree is a woody plant with the scientific name Cleistocalyx Operculatus. Almost all parts of the guava tree can be used, but the most popular is to use fresh guava leaves as a drink. Since ancient times, guava fruit, fresh guava leaves, and guava buds have been used to boil, brew to make daily drinks and used to treat diseases...

Here is a summary of some effects of fresh guava leaves:

1.1 Cooling
Fresh guava leaves after being washed are brewed with hot water to make a great thirst-quenching drink on summer days. Scientific studies on the composition of fresh guava leaves show that fresh guava leaves contain a number of minerals and vitamins.

In addition, according to oriental medicine, guava has a bitter, astringent taste, cool properties, and has the effect of clearing heat and relieving the exterior, so drinking fresh guava leaf water can cool down after working or exercising and also supplement minerals and vitamins.

1.2 Has antibacterial effects
Substances found in fresh guava leaves and buds include tannins and triterpenic acid. The growth of many types of fungi, yeasts, bacteria and viruses has been inhibited by tannins.

In addition, tannic acid is an inhibitor of bacteria in food, aquatic bacteria and flavor-producing bacteria. Some scientific studies have shown that triterpenic acid compounds have many anti-inflammatory effects, regulate blood sugar, have antiviral activity and fight tumors.

Concentrated decoction of fresh guava leaves is used as an antiseptic and antibiotic to wash boils, scabies, and impetigo. A study on the antibacterial properties of active ingredients in guava leaves concluded that methanol extract of guava leaves is effective against gram-positive bacteria including S. aureus, B. subtilis, and S. mutans GS-5. Guava leaf water can be used as a natural antiseptic for skin infections.



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