When you feel the first tickle in your throat or that familiar wave of fatigue creeping in, your first instinct might be to reach for cold medicine.
But while those over-the-counter remedies may temporarily mask symptoms, they don’t do much to support your body’s ability to fight illness. Instead of relying on a quick fix, why not give your immune system the natural boost it needs?
I typically catch a cold once or twice a year, and when I do, this nourishing tonic is my go-to remedy. Even if I just start to feel a little off—whether it’s a scratchy throat, a runny nose, or general fatigue—this recipe often stops illness in its tracks. I’ve relied on this supercharged, virus-fighting elixir for years, and it never fails to provide relief.
How Do These Ingredients Work?
Lemon, ginger, turmeric, and honey are some of nature’s most powerful healing ingredients. Together, they create a potent combination that not only soothes your symptoms but also helps fight off bacteria and viruses before they take hold.
These ingredients have been used for centuries in traditional medicine for their antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Here’s a little brief on how they work:
Lemon: lemons decrease the strength of cold and flu viruses in the body. It also helps reduce phlegm thanks to the citric acid that helps break down thick mucus. Lemons are anti-bacterial and anti-viral, and super high in vitamin C to help support the body’s natural defences.
Ginger: gingers’ active ingredients like gingerols and gingerdiols are effective in reducing some symptoms of viral infections. It is a potent anti-viral, and makes a warming cold and flu remedy. Ginger also works as an effective anti-inflammatory, helping to reduce inflammation of the sinuses and aches and pains in the body.
Turmeric: one of the best anti-inflammatories in the world, turmeric is your key to staying sickness-free. It guards your stomach by destroying fungus, viruses and bacteria that can cause sickness. It has been found to out-perform many pharmaceuticals in its effects against several chronic and debilitating diseases. It is used worldwide for colds, congestion, headaches and sore throats.
Honey: honey, particularly manuka honey, is great at killing bacteria in the body. It is a strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, you name it. It is also great at helping soothe a sore or scratchy throat, as it naturally relieves irritation.
The Best Natural Remedy for Colds
Not only does this warm, comforting drink help your body recover faster, but it also soothes a sore throat, eases congestion, and keeps you hydrated. Whether you’re already feeling under the weather or just want to give your immune system a boost, this recipe is a must-have in your natural medicine cabinet.
– 1 organic lemon
– 1-2 tsp. fresh ginger root
– 1-2 tsp. fresh turmeric root
– raw, unpasteurized honey
1. Thinly slice the lemon into quarter slices (4 pieces per round). Mince the ginger and turmeric finely.
2. Arrange the lemons and ginger in layers in a clean, sterile jar and cover with honey.
3. Refrigerate until needed. Use a large tbsp. of the mixture in a mug of hot water to make tea!