7 Reasons You Should Be Adding Sweet Potatoes to Your Diet
7 Reasons You Should Be Adding Sweet Potatoes to Your Diet
Sweet potatoes are root vegetables that have been cultivated for thousands of years. These starchy tubers belong to the Convolvulaceae family and it is thought that they originated in South and Central America. Today, more than 400 different varieties are grown around the world. They can be served as a side dish or added to a meal as an ingredient. Not only are sweet potatoes delicious, but they also provide a range of health benefits. From regulating blood sugar levels to reducing inflammation and supporting weight loss, let’s look at a few reasons you should add sweet potatoes to your diet.
Reduces Inflammation

Studies have suggested that sweet potatoes, especially the purple-colored varieties, contain anti-inflammatory compounds. The orange varieties are also a great source of beta-carotene. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is a powerful antioxidant able to fight inflammation. In fact, the orange-skinned varieties contain 400% of our vitamin A daily requirements. It’s a good idea to eat them with a bit of olive oil, as the fat assists your body in absorbing vitamin A more effectively.
Full of Nutrients

Sweet potatoes are full of essential nutrients that help maintain optimal health, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, folate, and choline. Calcium is essential for building and maintaining healthy teeth and bones. It also assists in nail and hair maintenance in menopausal women. Magnesium has antioxidant properties and helps regulate blood pressure. Phosphorus helps balance and use other minerals and vitamins, such as iodine, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D. Folate is particularly good for pregnant women. They also contain beta-carotene, which has antioxidant properties and is good for eye health.
Could Assist With Weight Loss

Sweet potatoes contain resistant starch, which the body does not digest. One study revealed that this starch increases the release of peptides. These peptides relay messages telling your body that you are full and decrease the quantity of fat stored in your body. Obesity is a common risk factor for conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight is vital if you want to avoid developing these conditions.
Regulating Blood Sugar

Sweet potatoes are full of fiber, which makes them a slow-burning starch. This fiber makes the intestines absorb sugar at a slower rate, which helps prevent spikes in blood sugar levels. They also contain a protein produced by fat cells that flow in the bloodstream, known as adiponectin. People who have difficulties metabolizing insulin usually have low levels of adiponectin. One study showed that “higher levels of this protein were monotonically associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes”. Foods that are high in fiber help regulate blood sugar levels, and a cup of these vegetables provides 4 grams of fiber.
Improves Eye Health

Sweet potatoes get their orange color from the beta-carotene content. Our bodies convert this beta-carotene to vitamin A, which is vital for maintaining optimal eye health. Vitamin A assists in the production of the eye receptors that enable you to see light, allowing for clear vision. Another thing that sweet potatoes provide is anthocyanins, which according to one study, keep your eyes moist and reduce fatigue.
May Protect Against Heavy Metals and Cancers

These delicious root vegetables are also rich in anthocyanins, which have anti-oxidative properties and could bond to the metals and assist in removing them from the body. Anthocyanins have also been shown to slow done the growth of cancer cells in breast, colon, bladder, and stomach cancer. While animal studies have shown the efficacy of this antioxidant in fighting colon cancer in animal studies, more studies are required to confirm these effects on human cancer cells.
May Improve Heart Health

The fiber content in these vegetables assists in lowering cholesterol levels. This is because the fiber binds to the bile acids present in the gut. This causes this liver to use cholesterol to create more bile. Excess cholesterol is subsequently removed from the bloodstream as a result of this process. This may improve your heart health because high blood cholesterol is a high-risk factor for developing heart disease.
Potential Risks

While sweet potatoes offer many wonderful benefits, they are best enjoyed in moderation. This is because they are fairly high in oxalates, a substance that could potentially increase your risk of developing kidney stones. If you have a history of developing kidney stones, you should limit your intake of any vegetables that contain oxalates. You should also mix these vegetables with other vegetables or mixed greens and drink plenty of water to reduce any potential risks. s
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