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Publish: 30/06/2024 00:06:59

Bar passer Rosula Calacala’s journey from katulong to teacher to lawyer

Take one on the bar exams—this is what any bar examinee dreams of.

But it doesn't just happen.

It involves suffering and sacrifice, and Nanay Rose, who is now known as Atty, knows this.Rosula Calacala, 62.

This senior citizen made headlines recently after passing the bar exams this 2023.

"Thank you lord!" he shouted, hugging his son.

In the video, while emotions were high, someone asked him who passed the exam?

"I didn't expect it because I'm old, son. Me!,” said Nanay Rose, one of the 3,812 who passed.


Born in Jones, Isabela, Mother Rose was already fond of reading as a child.

His cabinet is full of books about law and legal codes.

"Your writing is sharpened, your frame of mind when you read. Your English is really good, which is a great factor in the bar exam,” he told Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho (KMJS).

Rosula Calacala bar exam passer

"Because I was taught when I was in college that even if it's wrapped in bread, as long as it's printed, read it."

The new lawyer has three children—Mark, Ruth and Jireh—and they all also love to read.

This is a trait passed down from the mother that no one else can claim.

Every week they hang out at a mall to read.

"We go to Gaisano City, my children and I hang out there.

"Even my children love to read because they see me."

In the few years that Mother Rose worked in the government, she realized the great lack of lawyers in their area.

And this is what led him to go to law school again: "To help my constituents in Jones, Isabela."

He added, "Because there is no lawyer living there, I might be the only one who can persevere there. Because the children, there are many opportunities in the cities, eh."


Not all prayers are answered. That's what worried Mother Rose about her taking the bar exams.

"I pray that He will use the bar examiner so that I can pass."

Even though he experienced hardship as a child, he did not give up on it, but rather he persevered.

Mother Rose was only ten years old when she entered the house as a maid.

"Because my father died when I was eight years old. My mother was the only one who supported us.

"Every opportunity she sees someone who wants to teach me, she sends me there to those people."

This is where Mother Rose started working.

"I'm ten years old, I've been everywhere to study," he looked back.

Mother Rose also experienced the life of someone without food.

"Our dish used to be oil. Now that we remember, those are records. But for us, that's our dish, right."

With all the hardships she went through, Nanay Rose finished college in 1984 in the Commerce course at North Eastern College in Santiago City, Isabela.

After this he became a fully Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

"Being poor is not an obstacle for you to finish school. Don't be ashamed to be a helper or to work," said Mother Rose meaningfully.


Besides, it was time for him to have something else to do.

"Since my children were young, I have been their tutor. When I arrived, even though I was very tired, I had to tutor three small kids.

"I'll cook that, we don't have a helper. So after they graduate, they have jobs, what else will I do with my life? After the retirement what will I do for more or less 30 years of my life?

"I have nothing to do? Just go for a walk? Why don't I study?" said Mother Rose.

Once she sets her foot into it, there's no turning back, that's right. Wherever she goes, whether in the car or at home, Nanay Rose carries books about Philippine law.

“I always have a codal attached. Actually, every day of your life, you want to give up on law school.

"But if you have started something, you must finish it. I didn't give up.

"It is very difficult to be a law student, you have to memorize and read, read, read. You will vomit, but you will not breastfeed," said Mother Rose about what she went through.


Before becoming a full-fledged lawyer, Mother Rose went through many jobs.

He became a bank employee and also a school director.

Their mayor offered to study him while working at the municipality.

"I took that opportunity because my children are finished, my husband and I are no longer alone at home.

"It's embarrassing, isn't it? Most of the time I was there in the municipality, I was really educated, I really became a scholar of the LGU [local government unit]."

In 2020, at the height of the pandemic, Mother Rose became a COVID-19 patient.

But he was not swayed by the pain, and his professors gave him consideration.

"Because our exams were online before. Well, I can't answer because I am a COVID patient. I let go of the ballpen, it's up to the teacher to fail you.

"But you know, my professors were very considerate during that time. They must have known that I was a COVID patient, they passed me -75."

Meanwhile, apart from children, Mother Rose is also blessed with a loving husband. He said that his husband supported him from day one until he decided to enter law school.

"My wife actually does the housework."

It was 2022 when Mother Rose finished law school, and to become a full-fledged lawyer, she had to take the bar exam of course.

Bar Exam Results 2023: Story of 62-Year-Old Rosula Calacala


Mother Rose is full of heart and has a dream, so she doesn't mind the hardships, fatigue, and the trials in school to lift the family out of poverty.

A few months before the bar exam, another test came.

“I was crippled. It hurts [while pointing to the right side of the shoulder to the arm].

"For five months I just lay and read. Imagine the eye strain while reading. I persevered because I wanted to be a lawyer.

"There is one more, my mother died in February. Imagine, even if you read every day you will cry.

"But I said, this is not a distraction, the death of my mother.

"But before I sleep at night, I think about my mother."

Bar exams are not easy. It's very difficult and not everyone who takes it gets lucky on the first take.

But Nanay Rose is a different class because she passed right away.

"All exams are very difficult. I don't know how to start the sentence. I just did, I did my best to answer myself."

Well, on the day the results of the bar exams came out, Nanay Rose was still trending.

He couldn't stop crying when he saw his name as one of those who passed the 2023 bar exams.

“When I went to the Supreme Court, I went there just to watch. I'm just here in Manila, I said, 'I'll just watch what passes.'"

When the result was posted, those waiting started cheering, crying, and became emotional.

"When I saw my name, I was very surprised. I didn't expect to pass."

Mother Rose almost passed out with joy and hugged her son Mark at that moment.

"I was very surprised. After I saw my name...Lord, thank You, Lord!” and Mother Rose's tears flowed again.

"I had no shame back then..."

In the video clip, he screamed, “Oh my God, I'm an attorney! I didn't expect this because I'm old."


Mother Rose also thanks the Lord for everything she has.

Even though he had prayers that were not answered before, grace is evident to him now.

"If I compare it now, the distance... is no longer my helper. Bonus for me I even became an attorney. I never thought I would be an attorney all my life.”

His children and the countrymen in Jones, Isabela are very proud of him.

Attorney Rose wants to serve in his hometown.

"My advice to them is if you want to be a lawyer, that's one hundred percent commitment. Everything- all your energy, all your time just focus. That's your training as a law student because when you come to the court you won't linger in the court.

"You can't fight your love life, how much more the life, limb, and liberty of other people? So you must be strong."

Mother Rose or Attorney Rose Calacala is truly an inspiration. He never backed down from challenges and preferred to learn rather than give up.

"In our life, while we are getting older, while we are senior citizens so that society does not oppress us, oh senior citizen... that is useless! No! Let's make our remaining years of our lives productive."

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