13 minutes before

Miraculous uses

Store the heart in a ziplock bag or plastic bag

Buy the heart and cut off the long part of the vegetable, do not wash, just drain. Divide the heart into portions enough for one meal and put them in each ziplock bag or plastic bag. Squeeze out the air inside the bag and tie the bag tightly. If you have a vacuum bag, you can use this to store the heart.

Put the heart bags in the freezer to store. When you need to use it, take one bag out to thaw.

Store the heart with sugar

Buy the heart and you can cut the heart to make it neat. No need to wash the heart because soaking in water will make the heart spoil quickly. Just use a clean towel to absorb the water on the heart. Put each heart in the box one by one. After getting a layer of heart, sprinkle a little sugar on top. For each layer of heart, sprinkle a layer of sugar. Sprinkle until the box is full.


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